
The Recovery Ministry exists to see every person bound by addiction living in freedom in Jesus’ Name. Those affected by addiction will experience hope, healing, and transformation in Christ. We are committed to creating a compassionate, supportive community that emphasizes inclusivity, where individuals and families can find recovery through the power of Biblical Truth and practical resources.

Meetings are held every Friday from 7-8PM. Doors open at 6:30PM.

Location: 2550 Ocean Ave, SF, 94132

“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

John 8:12

Who is Recovery for?

This ministry is for TFH SF church attendees as well as local San Francisco and Bay Area community members who have struggled with addictions of any type and are seeking recovery from whatever has them in its grip. We seek to be inclusive in all instances.

What are the key components of Recovery Ministry?

Environment: We will create a safe, supportive and nurturing space for individuals in recovery to feel like they belong and that they can be honest. It is our expectation that we welcome anyone who attends - regardless if they have 1 hour of sobriety or 5 years, whether or not they have never met Jesus or if they have been walking with Jesus for decades.

Foundation: We will unapologetically point people to Jesus. Our greatest opportunity is to integrate Biblical principles and affirm each person’s identity in Christ as part of a faith-based approach to the recovery process.

Connection: We will provide resources and ensure people understand where there is more support available to empower individuals in their recovery journey. In addition to the organic growth we expect, we will also engage in outreach to support all individuals in the broader community not yet walking in freedom, as well as raise awareness and support for addiction recovery.